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To all golf lovers!

To all golf lovers!

What makes golf so difficult to master is that it encompasses so many parts that make up the golf family.

If you want to play golf well, you need to know every one of them, and today the members of the golf family would like to say something to you.

The first speaker was the golf swing club, which, as the foundation of the game, can also be regarded as the role of the master.

Golf Swing club:
Although I know that I am sometimes very naughty, always give you some trouble, causing you to my friends are both love and hate.
However, I hope you don’t give up on me easily. I can help you to exercise your body, and I will always be with you until you are old.

Next, I would like to invite other members to speak one by one.
Golf club (pride) :
You who left me can not play, I just want to say a word, more care for me, regular maintenance for me.
Also, play bad don’t take my anger, take my anger to the ball friends I will despise you.

Driver : don’t blindly pursue far, although I can hit far away.
But I would advise you that the right direction is more important than the distance.

Iron boy: Don’t always practice seven-iron. Be even with rain and rain. Every brother is very important.

I can help you save pa, cut the bird, so you must pay attention to me.

Putter:If you don’t work hard on me, no one can control me.

As a necessary next step, I can not only protect your feet, but also help you maintain your swing balance.
I hope you don’t make me stink. I’m fine with you.

In order to make your hands more firmly connected to the club, I am willing to risk wear and tear with you.
Although I know my life is short, I hope you can wash me often, because the corrosion of sweat stains will aggravate my death.

The grass:
I have but one request, take good care of me.
Don’t hurt me unnecessarily, especially if you’re a beginner trying to swing.

Carts (schadenfreude) :
I’ve said a thousand times, slow down slow down.
Why don’t so many people listen?
Did you hit a tree?
Did it roll over?

Water Obstacles (Fury) :
I’m not easy to mess with, come in and I won’t let you out.
You’d better think about it before you swing and hit it as far away from me as possible.

I’m not as impersonal as a water barrier, and although you’re annoying me, I’m not denying you a chance.
Practice on me as much as you can. I won’t mind.

Golf (with an aggrieved face) :
I have nothing to say, and I know you won’t listen to me if I ask you to hit me lightly.

Finally, please welcome our important member golf course to make a speech.

Course: Welcome to play.

After some talk, after the speech, I believe you golf friends for each member of the golf also have a certain understanding, which has both advice and grievances.

I hope everyone can accept with an open mind, so that they can get along more harmoniously with golf.


(This article comes from the network, the copyright belongs to the original author.)

Post time: Feb-05-2021