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First stop in 2021! Women’s China Tour Second Level Test Match Xiamen Station Return

First stop in 2021! Women’s China Tour Second Level Test Match Xiamen Station Return

Starting from November 2020, the Women’s China Tour Level 2 Test Tournament has traversed 4 golf courses in Beijing, Fujian, and Guangdong provinces, providing a new integrated competitive platform for professional, amateur and young players.

  As a second-level test match of the Women’s China Tour based on the venue, the event aims to enliven the Chinese golf professionals, coaches, and amateurs through streamlined and multi-frequency competitions, so that participants can feel the atmosphere of professional competitions, practice by competition Familiar with the rules. In the past nearly two months of operation, the Level 2 Test Tournament has implemented the concept of “expanding the Chinese golf participants and assisting the development of China’s golf sports from the root”, continuously iterating and polishing the event, and has been recognized and praised by all sectors of society. , And gained a group of loyal “followers.”

  In 2021, the first stop of the Women’s China Tour second-level test competition will start tomorrow. There are currently 24 players on the roster, half of which are men and women.

  In terms of professional players, women’s professional players such as Yang Jiaxin, the champion of the second stage in Beijing, Ren Yue, the double champion of Guangdong, and the women’s China Tour professional players Shi Bingyu, Chen Cuixia, Huang Zhiying, Yin Xue and other women’s professional players will “appear” tomorrow; amateur ball In terms of players, Yan Zixiang, the three-time champion of the Xiamen Oriental Club Kings Championship, Guo Daqing, a loyal follower of the second-level competition, and a Xiamen Oriental member, and the runner-up in the second-level test match of last year in Xiamen, and Dongfangqiu who participated in the “home gate” “Old friends” from Xiamen Station, including Tong Lilong and Chen Xinda, the main player of the Xiamen 80 post golf team, were among the participants.

  It is worth mentioning that in the first round of January 19’s competition, we will expect to see the second-level test station Beijing station champion Yang Jiaxin, Cuihu station and Hengqin station champion Ren Yue staged a “fairy fight”-like championship lock-in battle. In addition, Li Long, runner-up in Xiamen Station, will also start with the two in the same group, striving to refresh his best results at the “doorway”…



(This article comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.)

Post time: Jan-22-2021