--- A golf ball head processing plant.
--- A forging workshop to produce our own rough embryos..
--- The factory was built in Tongan,Xiamen.
--- Established the foreign trade department and development department. We began to do the OEM and ODM orders.
--- Added the production line of golf bag to produce golf bags and head covers.
--- Developed the casting titanium alloy golf driver.
--- The second department of foreign trade was established. We had the second Alibaba platform from then on.
--- Added a japanese-quality production line.
--- Established the third department of foreign trade - Golfmylo company, which is a brand new start.
--- We moved our company to Tongan industrial park in April. Due to we need to increase the area of the factory and the production line. And we bought three brand-new CNC machines, which made our production line more complete and quality controllable.